Caliche Caper 2021

Night before Picnic at Aroma in Chino Valley

Left right front row Linda Shryne, Mike W6UND, Pat Brower KK7PFD back row left to right. Jim Shryne N6DHZ, Ernie K7IOG,. Lee K7MBJ, Bev Collins, Ken KK7KEN, Bob K7POF, Gene W7FSX, Robbin W7POF, Mike Sturdy K7YVR, Carol Sturdy, Larry Dorrell KG7TTD, Deb Dorrell. Also with Carmela Brower hiding behind the camera

Food line

The cook Ernie K7IOG
Bob K7POF addressing some of the crowd
The K7POF Caliche Drive Antenna Farm
Tomy KF7GC the popcorn man talking to MMRG Vice President Tom WN7E who is working the sign in table.
(back of) Tom W7SUA with Allan KF7LRD
Ed WK7ED Meyer and Dottie Akers WF7DS
Ken KK7KEN Talking to Bob K7POF
The popcorn man Tomy KF7GC
Ernie K7IOG, Pat McCoy and Robbin McCoy W7POF getting ready to put out food.

Lorie WA7EDI, Mike AD5SU and Bob WB7RRQ
Pat Azlin, Pat KD7KEL and AC N4SVD
Pat KD7KEK, Bob K7POFand Tom N7MMC (Mickey Mouse Club)
Waiting for food!
Every one enjoying the shade tree.

Pictures complements of
Karmela Brower wife of Pat KK7PFB and Debbie Ivan wife of Tomy KF7GC